Small Business Investment Allowance Ending

The Small business investment allowance ends 31 December 2009 so there is never a better time to invest in Label Printing or Label Application equipment from Label Power.
If your business turns over less than AUD $2 Million don't forget to take advantage of the 50% investment allowance that expires on 31 December 2009, we have many single and full colour printers that qualify for this investment allowance. Here's the info straight from the ATO website
An additional tax deduction of 50 per cent of the cost of eligible new tangible depreciating assets where the business commits to investing in the asset between 13 December 2008 and 31 December 2009 and first uses the asset, or installs it ready for use, or (in the case of new investment in an existing asset) brings the asset to its modified or improved state on or before 31 December 2010
To help your investment decision Label Power have the following Red Hot specials only for orders received before 23rd December 2009.
<link primera-lx400-colour-label-printer_allprods1975.html>LX400
1. Order a Primera LX400 Colour label printer for $1995+GST and receive $175.00+GST credit for Inks and Labels.
2. Order a Primera LX810 Colour Label Printer for $2995+GST and receive a $275+GST credit for Inks and Labels.